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Guide: How to Type Fast - FREE for 5 days! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 1:53 pm
by Unisykolist
Hi guys,

I've been working on a book for typists over the past month and a half. The books aims to help you type faster and more efficiently. I've gathered tips and tricks from various forums and experienced typists, as well as my own input. You'll learn how to set goals, choose the right keyboard, refine your touch typing technique, eliminate bad habits, and I've included 35 tips to help you. The book will be free for a 5-day period and is currently being edited by my editor.

I'll let you know when its up on the Amazon Kindle Store for free so you don't miss out :) Just click the link and subscribe to the mailing list (don't worry, I won't spam you!)

Cheers and I hope it helps :)