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इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट 10 मिनट टाईप 5 by सुधीर राय

created Apr 16th 2018, 12:31 by Sudhir Rai



302 words
132 completed
Cheap and quick locomotion, and national and  international banking system and exchange have immensely multiplied the pace and the volume of national and international trading and commercial activities. Even agriculture and cottage industries have undergone a revolution as a result of scientific and technological progress. The world of trade and commerce is moving today wi9th lighting speed. And herein lies the main and decisive difference between ancient and modern trade and commerce. The difference is evident in cheap, quick and plentiful production, and in quick worldwide means of transport. Of course there are checks and balances introduced from to time by various countries and governments in national interest. In ancient trade and commerce, time was not such a decisive and determining factor as it is now. Ancient trade and commerce moved in a leisurely fashion. Now the speed and mobility of commerical and trading enterprises are so great that time is of the very essence of the whole things. Goods and money in modern trade and industry move and circulate with the rapacity of a last going railway train. Foresight efficiency, imagination, constant all-round vigilance, bold but careful planning, commercial integrity, trade pacts and agreements, both on private and government levels- all tense mark modern trade and commerce. If modern trade an commerce had the speed of the trade and commerce of the earlier centuries, the whole fabric of modern business would collapse. The average man of today needs hundreds of more things than even the wealthy man of bygone ages. But we should see to it that civilization does not get out of broth as a result of the high pressure at which work is being carried on in the present-day sphere of commerce and trade. Democracy is not something readymade and finished. It grows, evolves and passes through stages.  

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