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The Healthy Merry Berry Time

created Jul 9th 2019, 05:44 by AviNash1832395



321 words
3 completed
Fresh, frozen, dried, freeze-dried or powdered berries are the ultimate nutritional powerhouses. High in antioxidants, the compounds that slow cancer growth, berries have immense health benefits. The darker the berry, the greater it's phytochemical content - those naturally occurring nutrients that help protect cells from damage. Apart from its anti-inflammatory effects, berries are a memory-protecting food. Research shows that people who eat at least two servings of berries a week have a 25 percent less chance of developing Parkinson's disease. Each type known for its unique taste and nutritional property, berries are essential part of balanced diet.  
    Blueberries, known for its high anti-oxidant anthocyanins, help heart health, bone strength, skin health, blood pressure, diabetes management, cancer prevention and mental health. The berries are also a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folate, potassium, copper and manganese. These are also low in carbohydrates and sodium and are high in water content. Cranberries prevent bladder infection by preventing bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary bladder. Strawberry, the most preferred berry, is high in the plant compound ellagic acid that can inhibit the growth of tumours caused by certain carcinogens. Blackberry, mulberry, and raspberry are easily available and consumed by people in many parts of the world.  
        However, mere consumption of berries doesn't ward off cancer or other chronic diseases, say studies. Good health depends on factors like number of berries consumed, the tome period of consumption, the dietary pattern of the person and other risk factors. Intake of processed berries is also not advisable as processing results in a significant decrease if anthocyanin in berries.  
            One of the most popular berry fruit in the world there are more than 10 varieties of strawberries that differ in flavour, size and texture.  Yet they all have the same characteristic heart-shaped, red flesh and seeded coat together with small, regal, leafy green caps and stems that adorn their crowns.

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