
Text Practice Mode


created Dec 14th 2019, 03:03 by



476 words
275 completed
The modern world is a fast paced world. Everyone is in a hurry or extremely busy. Even when people have spare time, they prefer to fill it up with chores of some kind. However, gardening by its very nature is a slow activity. It encourages you to slow down, reconnect with nature and learn to find joy in doing something rather than doing it because it is necessary.
Gardening can offer you many pleasures if you just take the time to stop and enjoy them. Finding the right type of plants for your garden can make you feel a sense of accomplishment. If you have enough space, you can plan a small pond or a recreation spot into your garden, creating a haven for yourself to simply relax and enjoy natures beauty. If there are particular flowers you like, you can incorporate them into specific places in your garden. Each time you step out you will see these flowers blooming giving you a feeling of well-being.
The whole point of having a hobby is to spend ones leisure time in a manner that is both relaxing and useful. Different people have different hobbies, i.e. people differ in their ideas about what helps them relax. Some common hobbies enjoyed by plenty of people are philately Having a hobby does not only relax you, but also provide you with boosts of energy that help you in your professional life.
If you decide to take up gardening as a hobby and have no prior experience with it, it is best for you to research gardening. You can do this with the help of books on gardening and online websites. Also keep in mind that caring for different plants can be easy or difficult, depending upon the plants. New gardeners can get confused quite easily.
The best part about having gardening as a  hobby is that it can be done anywhere. If you have a yard, you can garden there. If your living space is small you can arrange a few potted plants and take care of them.
In a life that is increasingly fast-paced, frenetic and stressful, your garden becomes an oasis of calm and. Spending even an hour working on your garden can help you relax, lower your stress levels and allow your mind to rejoice in the peace that your garden offers. The best part about having gardening as a hobby is that it can be done anywhere There can be no better recreation for your mind.
Gardening is a very physical activity. I have shown that gardening helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure and reduce stress and depression. Studies even show that merely looking at a garden is enough to affect blood pressure, heart, muscles and even the electric activity in the brain. It generates feelings of tranquillity and peace and can be very therapeutic overall.

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