
Text Practice Mode


created Feb 8th 2023, 05:16 by krushnakant ghule



240 words
70 completed
It is very important that there should be careful arrangements in a bussiness to make sure that stock is well controlled. The value of stock can be very high and there are numerous ways in which losses can occur. It is also very important to ensure that only the right kinds of goods are held in stock and, in addition, that the right goods are available at the time when must not be tied up in unnecessary stocks, and men and machines must not lack work because the materials for it are not to hand, the warehouse and showroom must not run out of the lines required by customers. It is very much better thing to prevent the losses from occurring than to make a note of them when they occur. Goods should be accommodated in a store and should be the responsibility of a reliable store-keeper.
Goods which are particularly valuable and those which are likely to be lost or stolen should be kept in special rooms or compartments which can be locked. There are many purposes in the keeping of stock records. They do, as a matter of course, show what stock is lost or wasted, but also can provide useful information of the goods.
Moreover, records give an account of goods which have been purchased and they trace their progress through the bussiness until the time when they are delivered and given to customers after sales procedure.

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