
Text Practice Mode


created Apr 26th, 03:18 by WASEEM81



307 words
43 completed
Dew and fog can also be collected with nets and other tools. Rainwater harvesting differs from storm water harvesting as the runoff is collected from roofs rather than creeks and drains or roads and any other land surface its agricultural uses include use for livestock and irrigation it can be used domestically for watering gardens or personal use with proper treatment and domestic heating. The harvested water can also be committed to longer term storage or ground recharge. Rainwater harvesting is one of the simplest and oldest methods of supply of water for households. Residential and household scale projects are usually financed by the user. However large systems for schools and hospitals or any other facility can run up costs which can only be financed by owners of organizations and governmental units. In urban areas agriculture rainwater harvesting reduces the impact of runoff water and flooding. Rainwater harvesting in conjunction with urban agriculture would be a viable way to help meet the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals for cleaner and sustainable cities. It will also provide health and well along with food and water security. The technology is available however it needs to be remodeled in order to use water more efficiently especially in an urban setting. Kenya has already been successfully harvesting rainwater for toilets and laundry as well as irrigation. Since the establishment of hte country Kenya has prioritized the regulation of their agriculture industry. Additionally areas in Australia use harvested rainwater for cooking and drinking Studies done by Stout researching the feasibility in India found that Rain water harvesting was most beneficial if used for small scale irrigation which provides income with the sales of produce and the overflow can be used for ground recharge. Many countries especially those it arid environment use rainwater harvesting as a cheap and reliable source of clean water.

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