
Early Access Multiplayer Mode

please be patient, it might take a while for the game to load (if after 30 seconds nothing has happened, there might be an error)

  • max 100 concurrent users - the server currently only supports 20 concurrent users, so you might encounter an error. I will upgrade the server once we run into the limit a couple of times.
  • long load times - the test might take a while to load. I'm gradually trying to reduce the loading times.
  • only english - for now we stick with english but I do plan to add other languages (definitely after early access)
  • anonymous - for now the game doesn't recognize your login information, just put whatever name you like, scores aren't saved anyway at the moment
  • send feedback - bugs, unexpected behaviour, load times, crashes, whatever! This is an alpha version and I need your feedback!
Feedback: Just send me an email with the subject line "Multiplayer" to "[email protected]"