
Text Practice Mode


created Feb 19th 2018, 07:19 by YogeshPawarChhindwaraMP7278



487 words
9 completed
HTML and the DOM
HTML and DOM viewer and editor is commonly included in the built-in web development tools. The difference between the HTML and DOM viewer, and the view source feature in web browsers is that the HTML and DOM viewer allows you to see the DOM as it was rendered in addition to allowing you to make changes to the HTML and DOM and see the change reflected in the page after the change is made.
In addition to selecting and editing, the HTML elements panels will usually also display properties of the DOM object, such as display dimension, and CSS properties.
Web page assets, resources and network information
Web pages typically load and require additional content in the form of images, scripts, font and other external files. Web development tools also allow developers to inspect resources that are loaded and available on the web page in a tree-structure listing.
Web development tools also allow developers to view information about the network usage, such as viewing what the loading time and bandwidth usage are and which  HTTP headers are being sent and received.
Profiling and auditing
Profiling allows developers to capture information about the performance of a web page or web application. With this information developers can improve the performance of their scripts. Auditing features may provide developers suggestions, after analyzing a page, for optimizations to decrease page load time and increase responsiveness. Web development tools typically also provide a timeline features provides a record of the time it takes to render the page, memory usage, and the types of events which are taking place.
These features allow developers to optimize their web page or web application.
JavaScript debugging
Javascript is commonly used in web browsers. Web development tools commonly include a panel to debug scripts by allowing developers to add watch expressions, breakpoints, view the call stack, and pause, step over, step into, and step out of functions while debugging JavaScript.
A JavaScript console is commonly included. The consoles allow developers to type in JavaScript commands and call functions, or view errors that may have been encountered during the execution of a script.
Content marketing is at the heart of an inbound lead generation strategy. The idea is to provide valuable content in the form of newsletters, blogs and video that inform potential customers with tips and advice that is relevant to solving their problems. The indirect benefit is that they recognize you as the expert and choose your company when it comes time to buy products and services designed at solving their problems.
The challenge with most content marketing is that it is of a general nature and nowhere near as powerful as providing solutions to a customer's specific problem. A web based tool that can collect and analyze data to provide visitors with specific recommendations and information customized to their needs can be a major asset in generating new business opportunities.

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