
Text Practice Mode

I don't know what to type (draft)

created Sep 23rd 2018, 03:18 by



830 words
11 completed
You clicked into 10fastfingers dot com to train your typing speed, or else you were bored typing random words in typing test, you are now going to have some fun typing some texts. So you used your mouse and clicked the button Text Practice. After you clicked into the button Text Practice and turned into Textpractice mode, you were searching for some of the texts to type. Looking for a good title, and looking for a good good opening. And of course, you were searching some English texts to type without random words or meaningless texts. After looking for a suitable title "I don't know what to type" and having a look for the opening, you thought that this must be a good text, and you clicked into it, seeing not much quotations or special characters, you are ready. You may first go to the washroom to wash your face, in order to help you concentrate, or you don’t need to do so, you are just very confident typing this text smoothly. You are now making your good stance. You adjust your position of your chair, and adjust your sitting position of your chair, and adjust the difference between the computer screen and yourself, and extend your nerve, and make your body angle perpendicular to your legs, and take away the obstacles placing in front of you. After you think that the situations for typing is perfect, you looked for the keyboard indicating the position of letters, and put your index fingers on the word F and J. And here you go.
But I am not ready yet. I am still thinking the ideas to let you type this passage. I am still burning my brain, in order just to squeeze some words for you to type. I am still walking in my bedroom, hovering around the computer. Maybe I can let you type a story the notes, and developing my passages by using connectives, but I am not imaginative, I can't bring an interesting story for you to help you concentrate while typing. So my draft is still a piece of blank. What is the setting of the story? What is the plot of the story? What are the problems and the solutions? What are the climaxes and the cliffhangers? These are all you have to think about. To sum, they are too difficult for me, so I may change the idea for you to type. Maybe I can bring you some scientific and historical notes for you to type, but I think that you may not want to type the complicated characters, such as the name of the particular terms used for the study. It may be hard for you to type, you may have to type a lot of names of unknown people or names of unseen words that gives you an unknown meaning. Besides, I may not remember all the spellings of these unknown words, so that the speech may not be complete. Moreover, the historical and scientific passages give people a boring feeling, you are going to sleep learning the notes of the historical and scientific facts. How do I know that? Well for me, I am also going to sleep during history classes, and I did not perform well in the following tests. Maybe you think that it is interesting though, but I need to care about most of the people who are typing for this passage, since I prepare the passage is not just for you, but for everyone who are willing to type the text.
Then you may say that, I can actually copy some content from the books, so we can type some words. But most of the books are copyrighted. Unless you asked for the copyright owner of the book and the copyright owner agrees you to do copying into your work, you are not able to type directly from a book because you are not allowed to do so. Besides, I have to agree that I respect the intellectual property rights of others, and thus it is a must to ask for the copyright owner to agree before you can type the text from a book. I may ask the owner and contact them by electronic mail, or the phone number provided on the credit of the book. But even I do contact, the owner may not be right there. If I contact them by phone call, they may be off business due to time zone difference or they are so busy that they missed my phone call. If worse, their company may have already been bankrupt so it is pointless if contacting them. If I contact the owner by electronic mail, he or she may not willing to read the electronic mail right now and I can’t provide you texts to type in a second. That means I have to generate the idea by myself and I cannot rely to the content of the books.

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