
Text Practice Mode


created Nov 18th 2019, 04:59 by SARITA WAXER



219 words
26 completed
There were snakes of all shapes and sizes, some of them were as large as buildings, some as small as insects. As the priests called each snake by name and uttered the fatal words, may so and so fall into fire, that snake would meet its fiery end into the sacrificial fire. Many great Brahmanas were involved in the conduct of this sacrifice. A great Rishi named Chandabhargava, who was a descendant of Chyavana was the Hotri. A learned old Brahmana named Kautsa was the Udgatri. A sage named Jaimini acted as the Brahmana and Sarngarva and Pingala were the Adhvaryus. Vyasa was present with many of his disciples, and was generally supervising the conduct of the sacrifice. His students were chanting the name of the Lord. Many other great Brahmanas were present to observe the conduct of this magnificent sacrifice. The sacrifice continued for days. Snakes were perishing in the flames in thousands. At this point, Brahmana named Astika came to visit the sacrifice. The sacrifice was nearing completion. The King welcomed his guest and said, O Brahmana, your relative youth, your very being is radiating with knowledge. I have sworn grant whatever a Brahmana desires. Ask what you will." At this time, the chief priest intervened and said, "O King, the sacrifice is not yet complete.  

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