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The World Today

created Jun 20th 2020, 09:35 by NitinSen



212 words
61 completed
In the world. today. one sees so many things which please one and so many other things appear to one to be so extraordianry wrong. One wonders why this world of ours, having every opportunity of co-operating for the progress of humanity, does loses itself always in conflict, in violence and in hatered. We see the clash of blind armires, as ite were. We see the reproduction in the modern age of something which we thougyht ad been done away with in the past ages, in past ages. we had in many parts ages. in the past ages, we had in many parts of the world fortunately not so much in your country or mine-tremendous conflicts on some kind of religtious dogma and people fought on another on the interpretation of some dogna. We see, today. becoming dogmatic in fields other than that of religion and conflicts arising from that dogmatic approach to human affairs. In the realm of human affairs, we find this dogmatic approach bringing in its train conflict, want of understanding, hatred and violence. I do not know how we are to get over this; but unless wwe get over this narrow-minded approach, i have  no doubt that we shall fail to solve the problems of the day.  

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