
Text Practice Mode

Practice set 1

created Jul 10th 2020, 14:46 by draj



385 words
0 completed
        It gives me great pleasure be with you today because this is a field that interests me and is critical for India's growth. Electronics is really like the nervous system of a nation. As a nation evolves that nervous system most evolves with it, just as it evolve with species.
    We need a similar network in our country if India to progress, if India is to move ahead, if we are to keep up with the world. We missed one bus with the Industrial Revolution. A sudden boost in muscle power, and we were not able to catch up for 300 year. May be, we didn't jump on the second bus on time-and that is the electronic revolution or computer revolution and now we might have to run behind that bus, catch up to it and jump on to it. I think we are capable of doing this.
    To get electronics really moving in India, we have to go down to the other end of the chain. We are mostly taking about manufacturing and selling. We have to go other end and produce enough. People who will be above to deal with the equipment that you are about to produce, which means a turn-around in our education system. We need many more institutes such as the ITIS, but oriented and run in a much more professional manner, oriented towards more modern fields of technology We need to really develop a mentality in our people of using modern methods.
    Although electronics is an industry on its own it really must be used to supplement all other industries, updating our industry, making it more productive, make it more precompetitive, and really bringing it up to World's standards.
    Today electronics has permeated just about every field industry, education, of course defence, information handling. There is no place where do not have electronics. India is still lagging for behind. I was just told that on an average you have to dial twelve times before you can get through. So there are these problems and we have to get rid of these problems. You will find this Government moving faster than you moving. The problem will not be with government constraints of Government restrictions or the time taken by Government but with "can you keep up with we are doing"?

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