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CPCT/MP Highcourt English Typing by Dheeraj

created Jul 24th 2021, 17:22 by Dheeraj singh tomar



365 words
58 completed
The official New China News Agency's description of Chairman Mao Tse-tung as the founder of the People's Republic of China in this week's report on national day celebrations in Peking has led to speculation here that the Chinese leader may soon take over the post of Head of State. The agency report also called Mao "the Supreme Commander of the whole nation and the whole army" and "the great leader of the people of all nationalities in China." Some observers here attached significance to the use of these titles at this time when preparations are said to be under way to convene the National People's Congress, which will formally have to approve of the new appointment. China has ben without any functioning Head of State since the removal of Mao's arch enemy and one-time heir Liu Shao-chi. Liu's ouster from party and government posts was announced by the Central Committee of the Communist Party last year. But to meet constitutional requirements the removal from the Government job requires the approval of the National People's Congress.
The proceedings of the session of the Madras Legislative Council, the last under the old dispensation, which have just concluded convey lessons that he who runs may read. They suggest at once a criticism and an argument for Non-Co-operation. We have rarely in the history of the Councils come across a feebler and a more inane assemblage than that to which fell the onerous task of saying ditto to the bureaucracy in measures so important as the Elementary Education Bill and the Local Boards Bill. We doubt if a more complaisant legislature or one more ready to lose itself in ecstasies of joy at the condescending smiles of officialdom could be found anywhere else then in a country where gratitude is emphatically a lively anticipation of favours to come, We are accustomed to go into paroxysms of delight at a smile and fade into unobtrusiveness at a frown from the powers-that-be and so long as this mentality does not undergo radical alteration, so long will all talk of self-Government remain a hollow mockery. There is more than a little justice in Mr. Gandhi's argument that the Councils are debasing influences.

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