
User: Hexishu

~20years old ~From china,living in germany,forgot my own main language ~my keyboard is qwertz based not qwerty xd ~typing with the 10finger system,but I just use 9 fingers(I don't use the left thumb) ~I am typing for almost a year now and I try to get over 100 words per minute but I can't any advices/tips would be helpful thanks in advance ~EDIT: FINALLY MADE 100 WORDS PER MINUTE (09,08,2017 13:05(1:05 pm German time)) Peak 144 wpm at typeracer.com osu!:Hexishu (https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11511783) Discord: Hexishu#5150 STATUS IS OUTDATED
User details
User ID 1348151
last login 11 months, 4 weeks, 1 day ago
member since on March, 19th, 2017
Keyboard Layout Qwerty-based
Keyboard GMMK Pro Gateron Reds
Words typed 91,330
Tests taken 801
Competitions taken 24 (0)



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