
User: ntduzg029

Just a motivational reminder to those in the awkward stage. It’s going to suck, your hair will seem messy, heavy, unruly, out of control, and like a dead cat on your head for some. Doesn’t matter. Your brain is going to tell you to go in and get a “shape up”. This is your mind working against you. There’s nothing you can do for your growing awkward stage hair other than to leave it be and let it grow and learn to start taking care of it well. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen guys go in for a shape up and come out and say “why did I do that?” There’s nothing a hairdresser or barber can do to you growing it out that nature isn’t already doing. So stay strong and then you can get it trimmed a little evened out or ends trimmed after the first 2 years or so. Remember, us guys who have long hair waited years. We didn’t get haircuts early on when it got too tough. Checkout - thegreatcut.us -
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member since on July, 11th, 2022
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