
User: JamesMason1488

Hi im james mason and as you can probably tell im not the most agreeable man especially to the brainwashed population. Ive been typing since i was a child as my father did it for work, he also was the one who taught me about the jews. If you're even somewhat of a smart person ive written several books exposing the jews and this degenerate government. The most popular one being named SEIGE. Also if your reading this there a chance youve been beaten in a competition and by a nazi at that.
User details
User ID 3845607
last login 3 weeks, 1 day ago
member since 1 month, 1 week, 3 days ago
Keyboard Layout Neo
Keyboard Custom Swastika Keyboard
Words typed 16,842
Tests taken 14
Competitions taken 27 (4)



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